局部通気を行う作業箇所における環境条件の解析 第3報  掘進切羽におけるメタンガスの流動シミュレーション

  • 中山 伸介
    Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Kyoritsu University, Yawatanishi–ku, Kitakyushu–shi 807–8585
  • 内野 健一
    Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
  • 井上 雅弘
    Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University


  • Analysis of environmental conditions at a heading face with auxiliary ventilation (3rd Report). Simulation of Methane Gas Distribution at a Heading Face.
  • 掘進切羽におけるメタンガスの流動シミュレーション--局部通気を行う作業箇所における環境条件の解析(第3報)
  • クッシン キリハ ニ オケル メタンガス ノ リュウドウ シミュレーション キ



A heading face is usually ventilated by a forcing auxiliary ventilation system with an auxiliary fan and duct, because more heat, gases and dust produced by blasting or machines are liberated in the heading place rather than in other working places. In particular, because the explosive gases such as the methane gas are likely to cause serious disaster, appropriate countermeasures are required in such a heading face. Although a number of studies about the gas diffusion by ventilation at a heading face have been reported, methodical studies are not seen because most of the results are based on assumptions, due to difficulties in measurement of experiments and in theoretical analysis. From this point of view, a theoretical study on the profile of gas concentration at a heading face has been performed by using the CFD code `LASA 96' which is also used overseas based on SIMPLE algorithm. It is shown that the results of simulation coincide with the actual phenomena and can be available to estimate of ventilation including gas in a heading face.


  • 資源と素材

    資源と素材 114 (4), 229-235, 1998

    一般社団法人 資源・素材学会

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