Analysis on Eddy Current and Thermal Influence on the Accuracy of a Spinning Rotor Gauge.

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  • スピニングローター真空計の渦電流と温度による誤差の解析
  • スピニングローター シンクウケイ ノ ウズデンリュウ ト オンド ニ ヨル ゴサ ノ カイセキ

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This paper deals with an analysis on the offset pressure change of a Spinning Rotor Gauge (SRG), which caused by unbalanced eddy current distribution and thermal change in a stainless steel rotor. Themal and electromagnetic analysis method (physical models, equations, simulation algorism) are recognized to have practicability and validity in this analysis that are usefully applied to design a new construction and to operate with carefully treatment.


  • Shinku

    Shinku 42 (12), 1094-1099, 1999

    The Vacuum Society of Japan


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