

  • Eruption of the Amagi-Kawagodaira Volcano and Paleo-environments in the Late and Latest Jomon Periods around the Izu Peninsula.
  • イズ ハントウ アマギ カワゴダイラ カザン ノ フンカ ト ジョウモン ジダイ ゴ バンキ ノ コ カンキョウ



Kawagodaira volcano is a monogenetic volcano which is located on the northwest slope of Amagi volcano in the Izu Peninsula. Because the airborne pumice of Kawagodaira volcano (KGP) is distributed to the west, it is the most important Holocene marker tephra for dating archaeological remains in the Tokai region.<br>The study reported here shows the characteristics of the eruption of Kawagodaira volcano. The eruptive activity is divided into four continuous stages: I: pyroclastic surge eruption, II: Plinian eruption, III: pyroclastic flow eruption, IV: lava extrusion. In stage II, KGP was mostly blown by easterly winds; however, some KGP was distributed to the north, east, and south. In this way KGP reached the Tokai region, the southern Kanto region, some parts of the Chubu mountainous area, and the Kinki region. Because KGP was rarely affected by westerlies, it seems likely that Kawagodaira volcano erupted in summer. In stage III, co-ignimbrite ash fell at the north foot of Amagi volcano and to the west of it.<br>The time of eruption of Kawagodaira volcano was estimated at 3, 060-3, 190yrs BP based on the 14C ages of charcoals in the pyroclastic deposits, by tephrochronological study, and by the stratigraphic relationships between KGP and archaeological remains around the Izu Peninsula. However, it is necessary to determine the eruption age more precisely using dendrochronology in the future.<br>At the time when Kawagodaira volcano erupted, back swamps had been forming in the alluvial plains around the Izu Peninsula and Suruga Bay. Especially in the Seishin (Shizuoka-Shimizu) lowland, KGP was found in the peat layer of the upper alluvial deposits at many archaeological sites, suggesting that there were widespread shallow swamps at that time.


  • 第四紀研究

    第四紀研究 39 (2), 151-164, 2000


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