マイクロマシン加工技術 エキシマレーザによるセラミックス材料の超微細穴加工


  • Process Technology for Micromachines. Precise Hole Array Drilling of Ceramics by Excimer Laser Photo-ablation Process.
  • エキシマ レーザ ニヨル セラミックス ザイリョウ ノ チョウ ビサイ アナカ



A precise drilling technology with cross section control for use on thin ceramic materials has been developed using Excimer laser photo-ablation process. An homogenous illumination optical system and projection system of high resolution optical elements are applied to a newly designed mass production system. Homogeneity of laser energy under±5% on the mask surface has been obtained by the illumination system, making a final hole array with a distribution of exit hole diameter of 3.5±0.7μm in one processing field of 1.2×1.2mm square area. If a crack occurs in the process because of high repetition rate or high energy from the laser, productivity declines. Designing a specimen holder and He-gas assist enabled cracks to be avolded even at high repetition rate of 200Hz.<br>This paper describes hole array drilling technique with cross section control of ceramics by multi musk method, production system and an application.


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