大腸内視鏡手技修得のための研修システムについての考察  研修医の立場から


  • A Training System to Acquire Colonoscopic Insertion Technique. From the Viewpoint of Residents.



We considered the training method to acquire colonoscopic insertion technique, from theviewpoint of resident. The concentrated training at the appropriate institution is necessary forresidents to acquire colonoscopic insertion techniques during a short period, while it is difficultto acquire those techniques without any training system From the viewpoint of residents, weneed more time enough for the examination per patient and, to experience many various casesunder the appropriate gu.idance. However, these requests are actually contrary to clinicalsituation. Accordingly, various devices to decrease these discrepancy are necessary at theirlstitution of education. In our institute, to insert into the cecum within 5 minutes in over 90%of patients, we needed the trai:ning for about a 5-6 monthl period and 4-500 cases, to obtainaccornplishing rate over 98%and average time necessary to instert into the cecum within 5 minutes, we needed about 15-16 months period, 9-1, 000 cases.


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