Some Characteristics of Verotoxin-Producing <I>Escherichia coli</I> Strains Isolated from Sporadic Diarrhea in Akita Prefecture

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  • 秋田県で散発下痢症から分離されたVero毒素産生性大腸菌の性状
  • アキタケン デ サンパツ ゲリショウ カラ ブンリサレタ Vero ドクソ サ
  • Some Characteristics of Verotoxin-Producing Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Sporadic Diarrhea in Akita Prefecture

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Six sporadic cases of VTEC infection have been confirmed in Akita Prefecture from Jun. 1991 to Nov. 1994. Six VTEC strains isolated in these cases were examined for their serotype, Vero toxin type, existance of eae gene and 60 MDa plasmid, and CVD 419 probe reactivity.<BR>Of the 6 siolates, 5 were O157: H7. Two isolates of which possessed TV-1 and VT-2 genes and the rest of 3 possessed VT-1 and VT-2vh genes, VT-2 gene and VT-2vh gene, respectively. One isolate was O26: NM possessing VT-1 gene.<BR>A primer pair, designated as EA-1 and EA-2, was designed for detecting eae gene in VTEC. Examination of the 6 VTEC isolates by PCR using EA-1 and EA-2 primers indicated that all of the isolates were eae positive. This was further confirmed by dot blot hybridization using a eae probe. All of the 6 isolates also harbored approximately 60 MDa plasmid, which hybridized with the CVD419 probe in southern blot analysis.<BR>These results supported the hypothesis that eae gene and the 60 MDa plasmid might play a role in the mechanism for VTEC to cause diseases including diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans.<BR>Diversity observed in plasmid profile and VT type of the 6 isolates suggested that they were originated from independent sources, which could not be identified.


  • Kansenshogaku Zasshi

    Kansenshogaku Zasshi 69 (11), 1286-1293, 1995

    The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases

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