Intimacy of Couples Undergoing the Fertility Treatment: A Concept Analysis

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  • 不妊治療を受けているカップルの親密さ: 概念分析
  • フニン チリョウ オ ウケテ イル カップル ノ シンミツ サ ガイネン ブンセキ

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To clarify the concept of “intimacy of couples undergoing fertility treatment”, I reviewed the literature on the general view of intimacy, intimacy in psychology, and intimacy in nursing using concept analysis based on Walker and Avant's model, and also evaluated studies on couples undergoing fertility treatment.<BR>Concept analysis showed 9 characteristics of intimacy. Differences between intimacy and related concepts (“love”, “attachment”, “trust”, “dependence”, “amae”, and “loneliness”) were evaluated. However, studies on couples undergoing fertility treatment were analyzed in terms of the wife's understanding of the partner, what has been told or not told to the partner, the relationship of the couple, and sexual intimacy, and 12 elements of intimacy were extracted.<BR>Comprehensive evaluation of the results suggested the following 8 constructs of the intimacy of couples undergoing fertility treatment:“close relationship”, “self-expression”, “sharing”, “dealing with matters together”, “feeling of being valued”, “security”, “trust”, and “sexual satisfaction”.<BR>Intimacy is an important phenomenon for the physical and mental health of couples undergoing fertility treatment, and it is useful to develop during care for couples. The accumulation of research that inclusively comprehends the phenomenon of intimacy between couples and the development of a measurement scale are needed for improve care in clinical practice.



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