Wet and Dry Deposition Monitoring on Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)

  • OHIZUMI Tsuyoshi
    Japan Environmental Sanitation Center, Acid Deposition and Oxidant Research Center, Atmospheric Research Department

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  • 東アジア酸性雨モニタリングネットワーク (EANET) による湿性および乾性沈着の観測
  • ヒガシアジア サンセイウ モニタリング ネットワーク EANET ニ ヨル シッセイ オヨビ カンセイ チンチャク ノ カンソク

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Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) started the monitoring activity regularly in January 2001 after the preparatory phase activity since 1998. The objectives of the network are to create a common understanding of the state of acid deposition in East Asia, to provide useful input for decision-making at local, national and regional levels aimed at preventing or reducing adverse impact on the environment caused by acid deposition, and to contribute to cooperation on the issues related to acid deposition among the participating countries. At present, EANET consists of thirteen participating countries including seven countries in Southeast Asia. Wet deposition and air concentration monitoring are implemented in 46 and 35 sites, respectively. Those monitoring are carried out according to the manuals prepared by the Scientific Advisory Committee, which is composed of the scientists from participating countries. EANET activities are introduced in detail as one of the inter-governmental programs for environmental issues in the region including the Southeast Asian countries.


  • Earozoru Kenkyu

    Earozoru Kenkyu 21 (2), 108-113, 2006

    Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology


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