Relation between Building-up Characteristics and Nonlinear Phenomena of Ceramic Oscillators Connected Parallel by Self-oscillation

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  • 自励発振器を用いた並列セラミック振動子の立ち上がり特性と非線形現象の関係
  • ジレイハッシンキ オ モチイタ ヘイレツ セラミック シンドウシ ノ タチアガリ トクセイ ト ヒセンケイ ゲンショウ ノ カンケイ

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This paper examines the possibility of a parallel drive at the large amplitude with two ceramic oscillators which have the characteristic difference, and clarifies the relation between an approval process of the parallel drive and a nonlinear phenomenon from the experiment and the proposal locus model. First, it indicates the calculation and the experiment value of the nonlinear resonance characteristic curves of an experimental ceramic oscillator. Next, from the parallel driving experiment at the large amplitude, it is observed that the each oscillator has a peculiar mechanical vibration and confirmed that the parallel drive is build by the drawing effect. Based on these examinations, the building-up locus model when driving in parallel is proposed. As a result of the examination of these experiment and proposal model, the building-up locus which arrive at the parallel operation point are shown and the generation factor of the drawing effect is specified. From this model, it is possible to clarify the building-up characteristic of each element when driving in parallel.



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