Physical Properties and Aptitude for Engraving of Electrodeposited Copper Plating Film for Gravure Cylinder by Concentration of Additives

  • ABE Hideo
    Technical Research Institute, Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.
    Production Technology Center, Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.
  • ITO Tatsuo
    Production Technology Center, Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.
  • WATANABE Tohru
    Department of Material Technology, Shibaura Institute of Technology

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In a previous report, we studied the effect on the physical properties of electrodeposited copper plating film for gravure cylinder by using the commercial additive agents(COSMO G series)and verified the validity of the estimation method for the concentration of hardener. Here results on the continuation of the study for the the physical properties of electrodeposited film and the aptitude for engraving are presented. The Vickers hardness and elongation at high current density are similar to the results in a previous report. The concentration of G-1 was estimated using the equation simulated from the multiple regression analysis. The correlation efficient of the applied and estimated concentration of G-1 is 0.941 when the concentration of G-1 varies from 0.5 to 4 ml⁄l. The falling speed of tensile strength by acceleration test at 95°C is about 600∼1, 000 times as fast as that of aging test at 25°C. It was found that the half-life time of tensile strength by the acceleration test can be estimated this by aging test. The relationship between the half-life time of tensile strength and the reciprocal of absolute temperature is linear. This suggests that the time of re-crystallization is due to the applied temperature. When the cylinder is electroplated in G-1 concentration 0.5 ml⁄l and aged at room temperature, the volume of cell(∠0)deviates from that of cylinder which is electroplated in G-1 concentration 1.0 ml⁄l or above. This is because the Vickers hardness falls whereas the elongation increases by aging and the cell shape consequently deteriorates.



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