

  • A ケン ニ オケル マイ ホイクエン セイド オ チュウシン ト シタ コソダテ シエン ノ ケントウ
  • A Study of Child Support Focusing on the “My Nursery System” in a Prefecture



本研究は, 4年前よりA県が推進しているマイ保育園制度が有効に機能しているかどうか調査し, より効果的な支援のあり方を検討するために行った. この制度は, 妊娠中の者または年少児の親が近隣の保育所に登録することで, 子育てに関する支援を受けられる制度である. 調査対象は, マイ保育園制度を実施している市町, 登録園および登録者であり, 質問紙調査を実施した. 制度を取り入れている登録園は88.8%で多くの保育所が実施し, 必要な制度と認識していた. しかし, 登録園が十分な支援体制を整えるには職員の不足が大きな問題であった. また, 登録していても実際に制度を利用している者は半数で, 利用者の多くが一時保育を活用していた. 妊娠女性の利用は非常に少なく, 登録が利用に結びつかない理由は制度の目的が十分に理解されていないことであった. これらの原因として, マイ保育園制度のPR不足や機関間の連携不足が考えられた. In the present study, we investigated whether the “My Nursery School System,” which has been promoted independently by A prefecture over the past four years, is functioning effectively. The investigation was conducted using a questionnaire method targeting the cities and towns within the prefecture where the “My Nursery School System” was being implemented as well as registered nursery schools and other registrants that were registered in the system. The proportion of the registered nursery schools where this system was being adopted was 88.8%, thus indicating that this system was being implemented in many nursery schools. The registered nursery schools recognized the necessity of the system, but one of the large problems was the shortage of staff available to provide sufficient support. As for the registrants, half were not actually using the system even though they had registered. Most of the users were only using temporary child-care, and there appeared to be a disproportionate amount of usage of such support. Moreover, the rate of usage by pregnant women, which is one of the main purposes of the system, was very low, thus indicating that the purposes of the system were not being fully understood by the users. The causes of this situation include a lack of collaboration among each facility and insufficient advertising and PR for the system.


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