The Social Psychological Analysis of Factors Affecting the Evaluation of Environmental Advertisement

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  • 環境広告の評価要因の社会心理学的分析
  • 環境広告の評価要因の社会心理学的分析 : 環境への関与,エコ商品への関与,メディア・リテラシーを用いて
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  • - From the Viewpoint of Involvement With the Environmental Problems and Eco-products, and Media-literacy -
  • -環境への関与,エコ商品への関与, メディア・リテラシーを用いて-

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This experimental study examined factors affecting the evaluation of environmental advertisements. We analyzed the effects of involvement with the environmental problems and eco-products, and media-literacy. Also, we experimentally considered whether the advertisement’s framing ( “ecology-focused” and “economy-focused”) moderates the effects of involvement and media-literacy on its evaluation.<BR>We conducted a scenario experiment by a mail survey in 2009. The number of respondents was 204 and the collection rate was 37.8%. We used a fictional car ad and a refrigerator ad as the experimental stimulus.<BR>The results showed that involvement with the environmental problems did not affect the evaluation of the advertisements; however, involvement with eco-products had a positive effect and media-literacy had a negative effect on the evaluation. The results of the experimental manipulation showed that media-literacy had a stronger negative effect and involvement with eco-products had a weaker positive effect on “ecology-focused” condition than on “economy-focused” one; while there was no significant difference between the mean of evaluation on “ecology-focused” condition and “economy-focused” one.



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 26 (4), 366-373, 2013



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