

  • The basis of the school corporal punishment which continues in the U.S. southern states



In the West, historically in the context of education the corporal punishment has been used heavily. On this point, the situation in America was the same. However, the movement that many states of America prohibited corporal punishment appeared after 1980'. Yet, most of them are northern states, and the school corporal punishment remains in the south even now. The subject of this research is to clarify this reason. As a result of my study, the following reasons are conceivable. 1.The religious background; Above all, the existence of Fundamentalist is strong factor. They believe Christian Bible strictly and many of them live in the south. Therefore, southern area is called "Bible Belt" They are known to be conservative with discipline and like corporal punishment more to discipline a child than others. 2. The influence of the social structure ; The social structure of the southern states is different from the northern states. Including the slavery system, the social structure in the southern states has great influence on the education, the economic activities and the sense of values among people. By the unique social structure of the southern states, the corporal punishment is maintained to be used. 3. The ethos of the southern states ; It is unable to limit the basis of the corporal punishment that continues in the southern states only to these independent factors, such as the religion and social structure. Because they are mutually related factors, and form a/the particular southern ethos . I argue that the corporal punishment continued in the southern states is sustained by the ethos of the people in the south. As for our country, though the corporal punishment in school is legally prohibited, it continues even now. Thus, it may be possible to say that the ethos which allows the corporal punishment also exists in Japan even now.


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    • CiNii Articles

