フォードニー・マッカンバー法からスムート・ホーリー法へ -伸縮関税条項の視点から-


  • フォードニー マッカンバーホウ カ チ スムート ホーリーホウ エ シンシュク カンゼイ ジョウコウ ノ シテン カラ
  • Flexible Tariff Provision: from the Fordney-McCumber Act to the Smoot-Hawley Act



The Smoot-Hawley Act of 1930 is notorious for high tariff rates on many items, probably worsening the Depression. While several studies on the reason for the passage have been done from factors such as logrolling, interest groups and partisan politics, I have already explained it from another factor, the "Flexible Tariff Provision (FTP) ," which had an epoch-making aspect - delegation of the power to adjust tariffs from Congress to President and Tariff Commission. This article aims to illuminate the intent and the meaning of FTP by tracing to the passage process of the first FTP of the Fordney-Mc-Cumber Act of 1922. Tariff Commissioner William Culbertson, a leading proponent of 1922 FTP, had engaged in tariff matters since Taft Administration, and long aspired to expand the power for the Tariff Commission of 1916 enough to affect more directly the executive in the U. S. commercial policy. Primary sources such as letters and diaries illustrate that Culbertson approaced the executive people including Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover as early as March 1921 ; Culbertson's desire characterized by making efficient tariff rates not excessively high or low with elasticity won the approval Hoover and Hoover's close friend Senator Irvine Lenroot ; they supported Culbertson not only during the process of 1922 FTP but also after its passage, even when Culbertson was in conflict with Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge over the power of the Commission to initiate tariff investigation. Hoover continued to pursue the tariff reform, leading to his behavior during 1929-1930. Such delegation as seen in these two acts also reflected the new trend ot the government-business relation from the turn of the century.

経営と経済, 79(3), pp.53-77; 1999


  • 経営と経済

    経営と経済 79 (3), 53-77, 1999-12-24


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