沖繩における集団給食の実態調査 : I 那覇地区の事業所について(家政学科)

機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • The survey of the institutional in Okinawa Industrial firms in Naka Area (Department of Home Economics)



本調査は, 産業給食の実態について検討したいので, 那覇地区の事業所, 9カ所を対象に実施状況, 給食施設, 栄養摂取状況について調査したが, その結果は次のようであった。1)実施状況 給食数100∿150人の事業所が多く, 昼食だけの1食給食であった。献立は単一性でキャフテリヤ式のものはない。食費は10¢から21¢と各事業所で差があるが, 事業所側が食費の半額ないし全額負担しているところが多い。給食作業員は女子が多く, 1人当り担当食数は30∿50食である。栄養士, 調理士の配置されている事業所は2カ所で非常に少ない。2)給食施設 全事業所が給食施設をもっているが, 調理場が狭く, 機械類設置の出来ないところもあった。食堂の広さも1人当り0.5m^2以下であり, 昼食時に2∿3交替しなければ, 食事が出来ない状態であった。設備は不十分で, 調理機械を有しているところは少ない。給食作業員の専用便所を設けている事業所もない。3)衛生状態 調理場の換気, 排水が悪く換気装置をしたところは3カ所だけであった。給食作業員は, 毎月1回の検便を受けておらず, 食器消毒を行なっている事業所も全くなかった。4)栄養摂取状況 熱量, 総蛋白質, 脂肪, ビタミンB_1の摂取量はかなり多く, よい成績である。しかしカルシウム, ビタミンB_2,ビタミンAの不足が目立って高く, ビタミンCの不足している事業所も多い。食品群別摂取量をみると, 穀類, 油脂類, 大豆, 肉類の摂取量は多いが, 砂糖, 卵, 乳類の摂取がきわめて少なく, 不足が目立っている。栄養比率は総カロリーに対する穀類カロリーの比率が70%以上, 総蛋白質に対する動物性蛋白質の占める比率が30%前後の事業所が多かったが, 今後は動物性食品特に卵, 乳類の摂取を高めるよう努力することが必要である。全般的に, 使用食品の種類が少なく, 食品の摂り方に, かたよりがある。献立の内容に変化が乏しい, などがわかったが, 今後の指導として, 各事業所の実状に合せた献立作成, ならびに調理法を普及することが必要であろう。

This survey was carried out in nine Naha areae industrial firms in an attempt to evaluate the quality of industrial (subsidized) lunch programs. General procedures, kitchen facilities, sanitary conditions, and nutritional value were investigated. The following are the results of the survey. 1) General procedures a) Most firms served 100 to 150 people. There was no choice in the menu or the quantity of food in any of the firms. b) The a verage expenditure per lunch was fifteen cents and varied from a low of ten cents to a high of twenty-one cents. Most firms subsidized all or half of the cost. c) Most of the workers who operated the program were women. Only two firms had a dietitian. 2) Lunch facilities and equipment All firms had facilities. However, many were ill-equipped. Kitchen and dining areas were so small that mechanical equipment could not be installed. The size of the dining area was less than .5m^2 per person. Equipment was poor. No firms had separate toilet facilities (for men and women). 3) Sanitary conditions Ventilation and drainage systems were poor. Only three firms had ventilation fans. The recommended monthly testing of the stools of the workers who prepare the lunches was not being carried out. No firms sterilized the dishes. 4) Nutrition Intake of calories, protein, fat and vitamin B_1 was quite good. However, other nutritional elements were insufficient in most firms. The lack of calcium, vitimins A and B_2 were particularly noticeable. Vitamin C (content) was comparatively good. However, it must be noted that 50% of the available vitamin C is lost in cooking. Intake of grains fats, beans, and meats was very good. However, intake of sugar, milk, and eggs, the source of good quality protein, vitimins and minerals, and green and yellow vegitables, potatoes, and fruits was low. The ratio of grain calories to total calories was 70% in most firms. This figure indicates the present imbalance which should be corrected by introducing more fish, eggs, milk, and cheese. (The firms which had a dietitian were found to have wellbalanced meals.) In conclusion, both food and the menu lack variety, and the meals are not well balanced. In the future firms should be guided by the following recommendation : There needs to be better planning of the munu, in particular with respect to the variety of food and specific nutritional balance mentioned above.



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