

  • Osteopenia in KK-A^y mice with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus




糖尿病性骨減少症は, インスリン依存性(1型)糖尿病患者ではその存在が一般に認められているが, インスリン非依存性(II型)糖尿病患者では確定されていない。本研究の目的は, II型糖尿病における骨減少症の存在と病態について明らかにする事にあった。実験には, ヒトのII型糖尿病モデルに近いKK-A^yマウス(5週齢から25週齢)を用い, 骨塩量, 骨形成量, 血清生化学値の測定, 組織学的検索等の多面的な検討を行い, 以下の結果を得た。1)5週齢から25週齢までのKK-A^yマウスの脛骨骨塩量は対照のICRマウスの骨塩量に比べて低値を示した。2)KK-A^yマウスの骨形成量は, 対照のICRマウスに比べ, 有意の低値を示した。3)KK-Ayマウスでは, 骨端軟骨板内の軟骨細胞の分化不全, 骨梁の長軸方向への劣成長, 軟骨板直下への侵入血管の減少等の組織学的所見が得られ, インスリン非依存性糖尿病状態においては, 軟骨内骨化機転が抑制されていることが示唆された。また, 骨芽細胞の小型化, 扁平化, 破骨細胞の数の著しい減少と小型化を認め, これらの細胞の機能低下が推測される所見を得た。以上の結果より, II型糖尿病では骨減少症が発現し, その本態は骨形成と骨吸収の両機能が低下する低回転型骨代謝であると考えられた。

While insulin-dependent (Type D diabetes mellitus is considered to be a risk factor for the development of osteopenia, the effect of non-insulin-dependent (Type II) diabetes mellitus on bone metabolism is still a matter of debate. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether type 11 diabetes mellitus is associated with osteopenia. One hundred ten male KK-A^y mice with genetic diabetes (Type ID , aged 5 to 25 weeks, and 80 age-matched male ICR non-diabetic mice were used. Bone mineral density (BMD) of the tibial metaphysis and diaphysis, bone formation rate in the femoral diaphysis, and several biochemical bone remodeling markers in the serum were determined. Histological examinations of the tibial metaphysis were also made. The following results were obtained : 1) The bone mineral density of the tibia of the KK-A^y mice was significantly lower than that of ICR mice at 5,10,15,20 and 25 weeks of age. 2) The bone formation rate of the femur of KK-A^y mice, as determined by chronological labeling with NTA-Pb, was significantly lower than that of ICR mice. 3) Incomplete differentiation of chondrocytes in the epiphyseal growth plate, arrest of growth in length of trabecular bone, and loss of capillary invasion into calcified cartilage of the growth plate were observed in KK-A^y mice, suggesting incomplete enchondral ossification in type 11 diabetes mellitus. In addition, the number of osteoclasts or chondroclasts and that of active cuboidal osteoblasts seen in the metaphysis were significantly lower in KK-^Ay mice as compared with ICR mice, indicating low bone resorption and formation in KK-A^y mice. The results showed that osteopenia may occur due to decreased bone turnover in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.


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