看護学生の外科看護のイメージに関する研究(第1報) : 臨床実習前のイメージと関連する要因の分析


  • Study on the Nursing Students'Image of Surgery Nursing (First Report) : Factor Analysis of the lmage and Analyses of Factors Affecting the Image Before Clinical Nursing Practice



We investigated two areas; (1) the attitude of nursing students toward their surgical nursing courses before beginning practices, and (2) the relationship between their attitude toward this course and their previous personal experience with surgery. Sixty-seven nursing students participated in this study. Twenty-three different words and 10 different colors were presented to students. Each student answered how each word or color corresponded to her attitude toward her surgical nursing course using a scale of 1 to 5. We also surveyed the background of each student to: (1) admission to hospital and/or surgery on herself or a family member, (2) duration of attending meetings in a surgical ward, (3) degree of self-confidence in nursing skill, (4) previous grade in surgical nursing course, (5) degree of self-esteem, and (6) lifestyle. Using factor analysis, We found five factors which were combined in students' attitudes toward their surgical course : (1) fearful and difficult (factor 1); (2) favorite (factor 2); (3) too fast and hard (factor 3); (4) uncomfortable (factor 4); and (5) gentle and human but negative (factor 5). High self-esteem correlated with factor 1 (P<0.01). Lifestyle correlated with factor 1 (P<0.01) and with factor 3 (P<0.05). Factor 4 correlated with a low grade on a previous surgical nursing course (P<0.01). We concluded that our students had negative attitudes toward their surgical nursing couses before practice and that these negative attitude related to previous lifestyle, a low grade in a previous surgical nursing course, or a high degree of self-esteem.


紀要 18: 31-42(1993)


  • 紀要

    紀要 18 31-42, 1993-02-28


詳細情報 詳細情報について

