
DOI HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • On the artificially raised abc tri-genomic triploid and hexaploid species-hybrids in Brassica



1) it has been well known that the genus Brassica is consists of three elementary genomes, 1. e., a, b, and c, and that, in addition to the elementary species each containing only one of those genomes, there exist three natural secondary species, which consist of each two of those genomes, but none of the trigenomic ones. So the artificial raising of a new species containing these three genomes altogether has become a problem of basic interest in the Brassica breeding. 2) Through the crosses between B. carinata ( bbcc ) and B. pekinensis ( aa ), the author succeeded in obtaining the abc tri-genomic triploid (cp F11) and the hexaploid hybrids (cpF,'s 3 and 4 ), using the natural diploid as well as the artificially raised tetraploid strains, and, in addition, the tri-genomic hexaploid individuals were also obtained through the amphidiploidy ( cpF, 2 ), by the chromosome doubling induced by colchicine treatment with the triploid hybrid ( See Table 1). 3) Though the morphological characters and the growth habits of the tri-genomic hybrids took, in general, quite intermediate pattern between those of the parental species, some characters showed more or less marked deviations from the rule, such as the sue of flowers differed between cpF, 3 and cpF, 4, and as that of lobes on the leaf-stalk, being much larger in cpF,'s 3 and 4 than in. cpF, 2 ( see Fig. 18). 4 ) Cytological examinations were carried out with the PMCs in those F1 hybrids. Expected chromosome numbers were clearly ascertained at IM and IIM of the meiosis, i. e., the somatic numder of cpF,1 was 27 and those of cpF,' s 2, 3 and 4 were all 54. No aneuploid number have been encountered. 5 ) The pollen fertility estimated by the morphological appearance and the ability of seed produ,ction, as shown by the number of viable seeds cont ained in a pod, were presented in tables 2 and 3. It may be likely ascertained that there may exist some differance in fertility among the hexaploid hybrid strains of different origin.

Brassica属に於ける人為的異質倍数体については, すでにFrandsen & Winge(1932), Karpechellco & Bogdanova(1937), 八鍬(1943), Mizushima(1950)氏等の報告がある. Mizusllima(1950)氏は多数の高次及び低次の異質倍数体を作成して, 特に染色体対合の詳細な検討を行つている. 著者は1948年以来, 当園芸学教室に於て従来より保存培養し来つたBrassica属作物の二倍体及び人為四倍体を供用し, 数種の人為異質倍数体を作成して, その育種学的研究を行ひつつある. ここではその一部 Brassica carinata Braun と Brassica Peleinensis Rupr. とに基く三基三倍体(abc)及びその複二倍体(aabbcc)の作出並びにその現はす諸形質について記述した.


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  • CRID
  • NII論文ID
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  • DOI
  • 本文言語コード
  • データソース種別
    • JaLC
    • IRDB
    • CiNii Articles

