学校教員の職能開発機関としてのアメリカの美術館 : 20世紀末の美術教育改革動向を背景に


  • Museum's Support for the Professional Development of In-Service Teachers in the US : Within the Historical Background of the Art Education Reform around the End of the 20th Century
  • ガッコウ キョウイン ノ ショクノウ カイハツ キカン ト シテ ノ アメリカ ノ ビジュツカン 20セイキマツ ノ ビジュツ キョウイク カイカク ドウコウ オ ハイケイ ニ



The publication of "A Nation at Risk" accelerates the movement toward mobilizing the existing resouces for the support of teachers' professional development activities. In consequence art museums in the US come to provide many programs for teachers. In this paper, we show some data which indicate how America's art education is reformed after the report and argue that art museums' support for teachers is considered an essential social service in the US. Two examples are picked up to ascertain the design and scope of such programs and to suggest future directions for art museums' services in Japan.


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