First Record and Redescription of a Rare Nomeid Fish, Cubiceps paradoxus (Osteichthyes : Nomeidae), from the Western Pacific

  • Doiuchi Ryu
    Division of Applied Biosciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
  • Gosho Toyoho
    Fisheries Experimental Station, Wakayama Prefectural Research Center of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
  • Nakabo Tetsuji
    The Kyoto University Museum, Kyoto University

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A single specimen of a rare nomeid fish, Cubiceps paradoxus Butler, 1979, collected from Ukui, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, is the first record of the species from the Western Pacific, previous records having been restricted to California and the central North Pacific. A description of the specimen and a photograph in fresh condition (coloration previously unknown) is given, the following differences from congeneric species being noted : teeth absent on vomer and basihyal, 91 or 92 lateral line scales, eye small (orbit diameter 16.9-18.5% of head length), snout long (31.8-32.3% of head length), distance between posterior end of upper jaw and anterior margin of orbit almost equal to orbit diameter, third predorsal and first proximal pterygiophore of dorsal fin between second and third neural spines, and 11-13 upper and lower procurrent caudal rays.


  • Species Diversity

    Species Diversity 8 (4), 399-404, 2003

    The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology


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