
DOI 機関リポジトリ 機関リポジトリ HANDLE HANDLE ほか2件をすべて表示 一部だけ表示


  • A New Mode of Shape Function Approach to Bending Vibrations of a Circular Dise with Concentrated Masses.
  • ケイジョウ カンスウ キンジ ニ ヨル シュウチュウ シツリョウ トウサイ チ



An analytical method is presented for the bending vibration of a circular dise carrying concentrated masses, introducing a new mode of shape function to the Galerkin method. Deflection of the plate is expressed by a product of the mode shape function along radial direction and the circumferential periodic function. The mode shape function is assumed to be the sum of the product of the trigonometrical function and the finite power series. The coefficients of the power series are found to be satisfied by the boundary condition of the plate. Applying the Galerkin method, the number of sets of differential equation with second-order time functions are reduced. It is found that this method gives good accuracy to the natural frequencies within the small number of terms for unknown time functions


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