初回部位におけるツベルクリン反応の時間的経過に関する研究 : 第1編 健康および結核集団におけるツベルクリン反応の時間的経過


  • Studies on the Temporal Patterns of Tuberculin Reaction in the New Site. : Part 1.Observations on the Temporal Patteruns in the Healthy and Tuberculous Adults and Children
  • 初回部位におけるツベルクリン反応の時間的経過に関する研究-1・2-
  • ショカイ ブイ ニ オケル ツベルクリン ハンノウ ノ ジカンテキ ケイカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 1 2



Tuberculin reactions were performed to the new sites of the upper arm and the back of 203 healthy persons and 65 tuberculous patients. Following the temporal patterns of tuberculin reactions they were classified to pattern A (48 hours pattern), pattern B (24 hours pattern), pattern C (6 hours pattern) and O pattern (negative pattern). Furthermore, by the type of reactions in the early stage they were divided info pattern P (early type of pattern) and Q (immediate type of pattern). It was confirmed that the tuberculin reaction was also accerated at the new site as well as at the repeated site. It was further shown that the most of the healthy group belonged to pattern A (48 hour pattern) and few of them belonged to pattern C (6 hours pattern); while in the tuberculous group, pattern A is infrequent and rather pattern C is frequent. These facts indicate that the reaction in the tuberculous group might be accerated. Pattern C was observed in higher grade in the healthy persons who received tuberculin reaction repeatedly than those, who received the test only once a year. From these results it might be concluded that pattern A is the original type, and that the temporal pattern of the tuberculin reaction in the new sitemight be closely related to tuberculin allergy.


  • アレルギー

    アレルギー 9 (2), 217-223, 1960

    一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

