動物園諸動物の病理解剖学的所見 : (I) Sus scrofa bucomystax (いのしし)の半頭蓋畸型児の二例


  • PATHO-ANATOMICAL FINDINGS OF WILD ANIMALS IN ZOO : (I) Hemicrania in Fmbryos of Sus scrofa leucomystax


We carried out dissections of about 40 or more kinds of wild animals in a zoological garden, and will report one after another the patho-anatomical findings of them. In this paper we reported about 2 cases of heavy malformatoin in sus scrofa leucomystax. The materials were embryos of twins, abortives from parents of same venter. The first case was almost mature female embryo. Patho-anatomical findings were, a) aplasia of facial portion, b) aplasia of os lacrimale, os nasale, c) hypoplasia of mandibular and maxilla, d) aplasia of meatns acusticus externus, e) aplasia of eyes, nose and mouth, f) trace of right auricula, g) splenomegalia, h) Adhesion of entrails, i) fibromatous nodules in pylorus. The second case was also female embryo, but far smaller than the first. Patho-anatomical findings were a) aplasia of facial part, b) aplasia of eyes, nose, maxillar and maudibular bones, c) aplasia of the other facial bones, d) aplasia of meatus acusticus externus, e) branchiogenic fistulas on both side, f) hypoplasia of heart, g) hypoplasia of pulmonal arteries and aorta, vena cava cranialis, h) hypoplasia of vena unbilicalis.


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