Candida albicansおよびCandida tropicalisの固体表面に対する付着機構


  • The Possible Mechanisms of Adherence of Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis to Solid Surfaces.



Relative contribution and possible roles of specific and non-spesific interactions involved in the adherence of Candida albicans and C. tropicalis was analysed by three-way analysis of variance using eight types of surface-modified glass.<BR>It was revealed that specific and electrostatic factors contributed to the adherence of C. albicans to greater extent (43.6 and 38.9% respectively) than hydrophobic factor (4.9%). Whilist in the adherence of C. tropicalis, the contribution of hydrophobic interaction was much greater (76.7%) than that of specific interaction (3.7%) or electrostatic interaction (2.8%). These results suggest that the adherence of C. albicans is mediated mainly by supecific and electrostatic interactions, and C. tropicalis adhered to solid surfaces mainly by hydrophobic interaction.<BR>Factors involved in the initial adherence of these yeasts were examined under an increased flow rate condition where rapid or strong bind is thought to be necessary to adhere, and it was revealed that, in both cases, specific or electrostatic factor may play more important role than hydrophobic interaction.


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