Selection of Antigenic Variants of the S Glycoprotein of Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus and Analysis of Antigenic Sites Involved in Neutralization

  • Kida Koji
    Department of Veterinary Infectious Deseases, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Kitasato University, Towada, Aomori 034-8628, Japan
  • Hohdatsu Tsutomu
    Department of Veterinary Infectious Deseases, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Kitasato University, Towada, Aomori 034-8628, Japan
  • Fujii Kazue
    Department of Veterinary Infectious Deseases, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Kitasato University, Towada, Aomori 034-8628, Japan
  • Koyama Hiroyuki
    Department of Veterinary Infectious Deseases, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Kitasato University, Towada, Aomori 034-8628, Japan



The type II feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) epitopes for neutralizing and enhancing antibodies are present on large spike glycoprotein (S) protein. In this study, we established monoclonal antibody-resistant mutant viruses resistant to three different monoclonal antibodies with neutralizing activity in Felis catus whole fetus cells and enhancing activity in feline macrophages, recognizing distinct epitopes on type II FIPV S protein. By comparing the nucleotide sequences of these mutant viruses with that of wild-type virus, we attempted to identify the neutralizing epitopes. The mutations were localized in the region of amino acid residues from 480 to 649 from the N terminal of the S protein.


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