ガクセイ ニ カンスル ショモンダイ コウフビ ハンブ ジョブン ノ コショウ セイブン ニツイテ


  • 「学制」に関する諸問題 : 公布日,頒布,序文の呼称・正文について
  • Some Comments on "Gakusei" (The First Educational System Ordinance in Modern Japan, 1872) : The Date of Its Issue, Distribution, Name and Original Text of Its Preface
  • ガクセイ ニ カンスル ショ モンダイ コウフビ ハンプ ジョブン ノ コショウ セイブン ニ ツイテ



This paper discusses mainly the following four points.1. According to many studies and source books about the history of Japanese education, the preface of "Gakusei" was issued by the Dazyokan-ordinance No.241 on the 2nd of August(by the lunar calendar)1872, and the text itself was distributed by the Ministry of Education on the 3rd of August. Then when was the text issued? Original materials prove that both the preface and the text itself were issued by the same Dazyokan-ordinance No.214. "Distribution" was a quite irregular administrative act, given that it never took place in the regulations and laws after "Gakusei". "Distribution" of "Gakusei" had a historical significance all its own, but it is a little absurd to emphasize the date of the distribution while disregarding the date of issue of "Gakusei" in the history of the educational system.2. Why was it been implied that the preface and the text of "Gakusei" were discrete ordinances? One reason seems to lie in "Meiji-iko-kyoiku-seido-hattatsu-shi" vol.1(1938), on which many scholars of the history of Japanese education have depended. This book emphasizes, in a very artificial way, the distribution of "Gakusei", as if distribution was more important than issuance. And this very artificial emphasis on distribution in the same form is already found in "Gakusei 50 nen-shi"(1922)edited by the Ministry of Education.3. The preface of "Gakusei" has been very often called "Oose-idasare-syo", which implies that it is the speech of the Emperor, but considering the actual conditions this phrase is inappropriate. "The preface of Gakusei" is most appropriate. 4. As the original text of the preface of "Gakusei", the kanji and katakana text of the Dazyokan-ordinance No.214 should be taken as it is. The kanji and hiragana text, which was rewritten and supplemented with readings and meanings by the Ministry of Education, also has a great historical value, but it should be recognized as a rewritten version by the Ministry of Education and should be distinguished from the Dazyokan-ordinance No.214 itself.






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