Taxonomic Study on the Family Pseudocaeciliidae (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha) of Japan : 2. Genera Heterocaecilius and Phallocaecilius



The genera Heterocaecilius and Phallocaecilius of Japan are dealt with. H. solocipennis is transferred from the genus Pseudocaecilius and redescribed. A new species, Heterocaecilius fuscus, is described. Phallocaecilius hirsutus is recorded from Japan for the first time and redescribed. This is also the first record of the genus Phallocaecilius from Japan. Male and female genitalia are illustrated for the three species. Diagnostic characters of the genera and a key to the Japanese species of the genus Heterocaecilius are provided. This paper is the second part of the study of the Japanese Pseudocaeciliidae.


  • 昆蟲

    昆蟲 64 (1), 3-16, 1996-03-25

    Entomological Society of Japan

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