

  • Biochemical Studies on Pathogenesis of Minamata Disease



この綜説は,1958年から今日に至るまで熊本大学及び銀杏学園短期大学で行われた水俣病の発症機作研究を,主に次の三点を中心に要約した.1.メチル水銀化合物を水俣病の原因物質として化学的及びその発症性により固定した.水俣湾産の有毒貝Hormomya mutablis Gould,を分画して,発症性と水銀分布が一致し,共に有機,脂溶性また貝蛋白との結合を示した.両者に共通する溶媒抽出性と溜出性を利用して,有毒貝から水銀化合物を結晶化した。その分析及び化学合成実験から,この水銀化合物がmethyl methylmercuric sulfide (MS),CH_3HgSCH_3であることが明らかとなり,このメチル水銀の合成標品による動物実験から原因物質としての発症性を確認した.2.メチル水銀化合物の代謝動態について,MS及び[^<14>C]又は[^<203>Hg]メチル水銀化合物の代謝についてvivo及びvitro実験をまとめた.これらの成績からメチル水銀により,特異的に侵襲をうける体内代謝の所在が示された.3.メチル水銀化合物の発症性に関する分手機作,脳皮質の解糖系及及びそのミトコンドリアの呼吸とリン酸化反応を中心として,それぞれのメチル水銀による阻害の分子機作を要約した.
This review mainly covers our research work on the pathogenesis of Minamata disease (MD) as has been perfomed since 1958 till now, focusing on the following three aspects. 1. Chemical and pathological identification of the causal agent of MD with a methylmercury compound. Fractionation of the toxic shellfish, Hormomya mutabilis Gould, obtained from Minamta Bay demonstrated that both the causal agent and mercury were superimposable in terms of their distribution in the biomaterial, i. e., both being organic, lipid-soluble and possibly bound to shellfish-proteins. Utilizing the extractability and volatility in common with them, a mercury compound was isolated in crystalline form from the toxic shellfish. Basing on its analytical and chemical synthetic data as well as pathoneurological findings on feeding experiments with its synthetic sample, the isolated mercury compound was assigned to methyl methylmercuric sulfide (MS), which was also proved identical with the causal agent of MD. 2. Metabolic fate of methylmercury compounds. In vitro or in vivo experiments on metabolic fate of MS and [^<14>C] or [^<203>Hg] methylmercury compound have been summarized, the findings of which enabled us to single out the possible metabolic pathways impaired with methylmercury compounds. 3. Molecular basis of the pathogenesis of methylmercury compounds. Studies have been centered on the inhibition mechanism by methylmercury compounds of glycolysis and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in the cerebral cortex.


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