デリー南郊の新興ヒンドゥー教寺院「シュリー・アードゥヤー・カートヤーヤニー・シャクティピート・マンディル(聖根本カートヤーヤニー女神恩寵座寺院)」に関する資料集 : 同寺院が発行・配布した中心的な冊子・文書の解説と翻訳


  • Introduction and Translation of Important Literature Published and Distributed by a Newly Established Hindu Temple Shree Adya Katyayani Shaktipeeth Mandir Located in the South Suburbs of Delhi, India



The temple, of which name may be roughly paraphrased as "The Sacred and Merciful Goddess Katyayani's Original Temple", was established by a wandering mendicant, Baba Nagpal (1925〜1998), in the middle of the l970's in the southern suburbs of Delhi. It is now a huge complex of temples, a lecture hall, a dining hall, educational institutions including a Vocational Training Center, a Sanskrit College and a medical institution for research and treatment. More than a hundred thousand people will come to the complex to celebrate some Hindu festivals and to pay homage to the deceased mendicant, Baba Nagpal. The expenditure needed for building and maintaining the huge complex is supplied by donations from anonymous devotees. The central teachings of Baba Nagpal consist of the following ideals: the unlimited compassion of the Mother Goddess Katyayani will save any individual without restrictions to class, status or belief and religion. According to Baba Nagpal, Mother Goddess Katyayani will receive anyone who is innocent and sincere and she will extend compassion to anyone. The author was able to obtain important literature on the history of the temple, records of important teachings by Baba Nagpal, and a number of copies of an organ magazine "Matrka" by the compassion of Mother Goddess Katyayani and the favor of the people working for the Mother Goddess Katyayani and Baba Nagpal .Most of them are published in Hindi. Some important documents will be given below in Japanese translation to offer basic material for the study of the huge temple complex. The author here notifies with gratitude that this project of acquiring material related to the Temple was supported by Takushoku University Short Term Overseas Research Grant for 2003.


詳細情報 詳細情報について

  • CRID
  • NII論文ID
  • NII書誌ID
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  • 本文言語コード
  • データソース種別
    • CiNii Articles

