天使女子短期大学専攻科修了生の動向と教育評価 : 保健婦助産婦合同教育課程に対する評価


  • テンシ ジョシ タンキ ダイガク センコウカ シュウリョウセイ ノ ドウコウ ト キョウイク ヒョウカ ホケンフジョサンプ ゴウドウ キョウイク カテイ ニ タイスル ヒョウカ
  • Educational Assessment and Assessing Trends of the Graduates In Special Course of PHN and Midwifery Attached to Department of Nursing at Tenshi Women's College




This study was conducted to observe the trends among- graduates who specialized in PHN and Midwifery Program in the Department of Nursing and to assess the integrated education of public health nurses and midwives. The followings were obtained from a survey of 367 students who graduated. 1) The occupation rate among the graduates was 79% in March 2001 and 76% of them were full-time employees. 2) The sorts of professions could be categorized as 132 public health nurses (36%), 77 midwives (21%), 29 hospital nurses (10.6%), and 28 teachers (7.6%). Most of them engaged in municipal health centers or general hospitals. 3) Immediately after graduation, 216 subjects were recruited as midwives (58.9%) and 108 as public health nurses (29.4%). The 56% subjects were resigned within the first five years from the fresh appointment due to their marriage, childbirth, childcare, and an interest in some other fields or institutions. 4) Total number of 101 subjects (21.5%) used both of their qualifications as public nurses and midwifes. 5) The contents used in the program helped 94.6% and 73.6% in their professional and daily lives, respectively. The techniques practiced in the lessons improved to get the knowledge specialized and contributed to gain self-worth with the deep human understandings. These were consisted in the core of the Integrated Program for PHN and Midwifery. 6) Respondent's hopes for their Alma Mater be with spiritual values for health science based on Christian point of views such as human affection and compassion to enhance the basic nursing education and to progress as a long-term academic institution.


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