

  • Trends of the prevalence rate of asthmatic symptoms in school children and its relationship to environmental factors.




小児における気管支喘息様症状有症率(以下喘息症状)の動向とそれに影響を及ぼす環境要因を検討するため, 千葉県内の都市部にある5小学校と田園部にある1小学校の延べ11, 342人の学童を対象とし, 1986, 1989, 1992年の3回呼吸器症状質問票調査を実施した。3回の調査における, 都市部の喘息有症率は男子5.3%, 5.4%, 7.5%, 女子4.8%, 4.8%, 7.2%, 田園部は男子2.6%, 2.9%, 4.3%, 女子1.5%, 1.6%, 3.3%であり, 都市部田園部ともに経年的に増加傾向が見られた。全調査を通じて男子は女子より高く, 都市部は田園部より高率であった。多重ロジスティック回帰により, 喘息症状有症率に影響を及ぼす要因のうち, 3回とも有意であったのは地域, 本人のアレルギー性疾患の既往, 2歳以前の重篤な呼吸器疾患の既往の3項目であった。都市部と田園部の地域差は他の要因を調整しても有意であり, オッズ比は田園部1に対し都市部'86年2.38, '89年1.88, '92年1.63であった。都市部は田園部より自動車交通量が多く, 田園部でも年々増加している。また, 都市部の主要幹線道路沿道の二酸化窒素, 浮遊粒子状物質濃度は極めて高い。喘息症状有症率に地域差をもたらし, 年々増加させる要因の一つとして自動車排ガスによる大気の汚染の影響が示唆された。

To evaluate the trends of the prevalence rate of asthmatic symptoms in children and its relationship to environmental factors, a series of epidemiological studies were conducted on 11, 342 schoolchildren attending 6 primary schools in Chiba Prefecture, in 1986, 1989, and 1992. Five schools were located in urban areas and their school districts were intersected by major trunk roads, and one school was located in a rural area. The prevalence rates of asthma were higher among boys than among girls, and in urban areas than in a rural area, throughout the 3 studies. The rates tended to increase from 1986 to 1992, in both urban and rural areas. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that prevalence of asthma was significantly associated with a history of allergic diseases, a history of severe respiratory diseases before 2 years of age, and residing in urban areas, in all of the 3 studies. The adjusted odds ratios for asthma among children in urban areas, relative to children in a rural area, were 2.38, 1.88, and 1.63 in 1986, 1989, and 1992, respectively. There is heavier automobile traffic in the urban areas than in the rural area, yet the traffic has been increasing in both areas. The concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and suspended particulate matter are higher in areas adjacent to major roads. These findings suggest that air pollution from automobile exhaust increases the prevalence rate of asthma in children.


被引用文献 (1)*注記


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