

  • ジュウドウ レスリング スモウ キョウギシャ ノ ルール ト ワザ カラ ミタ タイケイ ヒカク
  • 〈Research Materials〉Comparisons of martial art wrestlers in their shapes



[Abstract] As different muscles are used in different martial arts, shapes of wrestlers may differ among martial arts. Even in case of runners, long-distance runners have apparently different shapes from those of short-distance runners even though both of them are track and field athletes. Shapes of university judo wrestlers have been measured every year continuously to grasp their morphological changes since they joined the university. In order to study the growth of wrestlers (process to be strong) and the morphological changes, the measurement method was developed, using a camera for numerically expressing the appearance of a shape (such as a bone structure, distribution of fat and muscles, and a posture). This method is to extract the contour of a wrestler from the pictures taken from the front and both sides, and 3-D modeling is performed using obtained numerical figures. This method has the benefits that respective body parts can be simply and easily compared, and the body volume can be easily estimated by elliptic approximation. Typical shapes of different martial arts (judo, wresting, and sumo) were compared by this method. Recently, muscle strength training has been introduced in every martial art. When measurements are carried out frequently by this method and wrestlers and their coaches share data on a routine basis, they can maneuver such data for evaluating effects of training and reviewing their training methods.

Departmental Bulletin Paper



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