レーミ形磁気増幅器を用いたSCR用点弧制御回路の実験と解析(I) 半波形回路の場合


  • レーミケイ ジキ ゾウフクキ オ モチイタ SCRヨウテン コ セイギョ カイロ ノ ジッケン ト カイセキ 1 ハンハケイ カイロ ノ バアイ
  • Experiment and Analysis of Firing Circuit for SCR with Ramey Type Magnetic Amplifier(I) On the Half-Wave Type circuit
  • レーミカタ ジキ ゾウフクキ オ モチイタ SCR ヨウ テンコ セイギョ カイロ ノ ジッケン ト カイセキ (I) ハン ハケイ カイロ ノ バアイ




In this paper, experiment and analysis of a new firing circuit for Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) which compensates the supply voltage variation are described. The circuit is composed of two half-wave type magnetic amplifiers (i,e.,Ramey type and self-saturation type magnetic amplifier) which are connected to cascade by a coupling resistance. The circuit is analyzed by using the equivalent circuit method, in which the characteristics of magnetic cores and of rectifiers are represented by an appropriate approximation. The relation between the gate circuit resistance of the first stage magnetic amplifier and the coupling resistance is verified by the analysis. As a result, it can be said that the fluctuation of the load current of SCR amplifier is only 0.5% for a supply voltage variation of ± 20 % by the experiments.


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