

  • ケイタイガタ オンガク プレイヤ ノ タメノ ザツオン オンガク ユウゴウガタ サイセイ ホウシキ ノ ヒョウカ
  • Evaluation of Music-noise Assimilation Playback for Portable Audio Players
  • 音楽インタフェース



携帯型オーディオプレイヤの普及が目覚ましいが,屋外の試聴でユーザを悩ませる問題の1 つとして雑音の存在がある.本論文では,楽器演奏の知識を利用して周囲の雑音を感覚的に低減させる手法を提案する.提案手法では「リズム楽器のアクセントが一致した演奏は聴いていて心地良い」という経験則を利用し,周期性のある雑音をドラムやベースなどの楽器演奏に見立てる.そしてそのビートに音楽のビートが一致するよう音楽の再生速度をユーザが知覚できない程度に変換して再生する.電車の走行音を用いた検証により,雑音を信号レベルで低減させなくても聴きやすさが向上したこと,音楽に無理な改変を加えなくても一定の効果が得られたことを確認した.

Though the population of portable audio listeners keeps growing, it still carries issues such as distractive background noise. This paper proposes a background noise reduction method using knowledge obtained by musical instrument performances. The method is based on our experience that listening to music feels comfortable when the rhythm accents are matched up at the correct timing. In our method, noise with a periodic rhythm takes the role of the rhythm section such as drums and basses. Then the tempo of the current track is converted at an unnoticeable amount so that the accents of the track can synchronize with that of the noise. We examined the reduction effects by carrying out five experiments, in which the traveling sound of a train was set as the periodical noise. Results of the experiments showed that the noise was faded out to a pleasant level without carrying out any spectrum noise reduction. We also showed that unreasonable changes in the tempo were unnecessary to keep an constant effectiveness.


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