放送大学卒業女性の社会的活動 : 生涯学習と社会的効用に関する一研究

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス
  • 吉本 圭一
    九州大学大学院人間環境学研究科教育社会計画学講座 : 助教授 : 教育組織社会学
  • 丹 英子
    放送大学 : 元研究生


  • Careers and Activities of Female Graduates of the University of the Air in Japan
  • ホウソウダイガクソツギョウジョセイノシャカイテキカツドウ : ショウガイガクシュウトシャカイテキコウヨウニカンスルイチケンキュウ



This paper analyzes the survey data on female graduates of University of the Air, Japan (UAJ). The Survey was carried out by voluntary female graduates of UAJ themselves in 1995. The purpose of this survey was to explore various careersof female UAJ graduates. Many surveys of UAJ students and graduates have been done, but seldom focus on occupational outcomes. This is because Japanese employment practices prefer to recruit young and new graduate employees. UAJ has a wide range of students in terms of ages, work experiences, and motivations. Although UAJ has sent twelve thousands graduates into society since 1989, their recognition within the labor market is still unclear. Furthermore, there are problems of labor participation and re-participation of females in Japan. Many adult female students who have already achieved child-care roles want to get a chance of working after going through a program of higher learning via the UAJ. However, UAJ has only one faculty of arts and science, which may not be suitable to job-oriented students. The result of survey shows that in spite of various difficulties mentioned above many female graduates got new jobs or got job promotion after graduation. Some positive effects are similarly found in various fields of activities, including volunteer work and the study continuation.


  • 大学院教育学研究紀要

    大学院教育学研究紀要 1 99-118, 1999-03-31


詳細情報 詳細情報について

