軍事優先主義の経験と地域再開発戦略 : 沖縄「基地の街」三態


  • グンジ ユウセン シュギ ノ ケイケン ト チイキ サイカイハツ センリャク オキナワ キチ ノ マチ サンタイ
  • Experience of Militarism and Regional Redevelopment Strategies : Three "Base Towns" in Okinawa




The U.S military base problem in postwar Okinawa has been one of the most important and longest-term policy agendas for municipalities hosting military bases (base towns). However, the economic dependence of these municipalities on bases has been decreasing, and the substantial amount of the land occupied by bases has begun to be returned since the SACO final report in 1996. In this new stage, issues concerning how to utilize the land returned from the bases and (re)develop the region around them have come to the fore as an urgent policy agenda for pertinent municipalities. The aim of this paper is to compare the strategies of such municipalities for dealing with this “post-base problem" and clarify key elements in the implementation and development of the strategies. As a theoretical framework, this paper employs political geographic place theory formulated by John Agnew. As the study sites, it selects Chatan Town, Yomitan Village, and Okinawa City to examine how each of them attempts to (re)develop the land returned from bases or the region around them. Results of the study show that the following three key elements in (re)development strategies can be hypothetically isolated: 1) the unified will of a municipality and its residents against the restraints imposed by bases, which is necessary for the realization of the return of occupied land, 2) the selection of development strategies that are suitable for the locational properties of a municipality, and 3) the mobilization of the (reinterpreted) history of the place where a municipality is located.


  • 人文研究

    人文研究 59 72-97, 2008-03


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