P-68 動植物個体均一安定同位体標識化による生細胞・抽出物の多次元NMR計測技術高度化の試み(ポスター発表の部)



  • P-68 Advancement of hetero-nuclear multi-dimensional NMR experiments of living cells and extracts with uniform stable isotope labeling in plant and animal systems


Novel methods for measurement of living systems are making new breakthroughs in life science. As any biological scientist does not doubt importance of metabomics in post-genomics-proteomics era, recent methodological advances of MS-based analysis lead in this field, whereas an NMR-based approaches are recognized as a minor one due to its low sensitivity. Advances in technology for MS have enabled the investigation of cellular proteins and metabolites on a previously unpredicted scale; over 200,000 different compounds will be detected in the plant kingdom. Many of those substances have a potential for the development of synthetic materials and for applications in health and food technology. Thus, plant metabolomics represents a considerable challenge which holds great promise. However, we are trying to initiate this field by developing new methods using a hetero-nuclear NMR-based approach. This has been achieved by the combination of the uniform stable-isotope labeling of higher plants and multi-dimensional NMR experiments [1,2] used in protein structure determination. Using this novel approach, we can analyze the dynamic molecular networks inside cells, tissues and organisms. Furthermore, we have achieved uniform stable-isotope labeling of animals by feeding with uniformly labeled (such as ^<13>C, ^<15>N) plants. Therefore, we propose our methodology; the hetero-nuclear NMR experiments with the uniform stable-isotope labeling would be applicable for metabomics studies in drug discovery, toxicology and health-care assessment.


詳細情報 詳細情報について

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  • データソース種別
    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
  • 抄録ライセンスフラグ

