比較文化学部における英語教育改善の歩み : 2007年度前期「授業に関するアンケート」からみえてくるもの


  • An Evaluation of English Education Improvement in the Faculty of Comparative Culture : analyzing the 2007 first semester course evaluations by students
  • ヒカク ブンカ ガクブ ニオケル エイゴ キョウイク カイゼン ノ アユミ 2007ネンド ゼンキ ジュギョウ ニカンスル アンケート カラ ミエテクル モノ




This paper examines the results of our Faculty's English education improvement pursued actively since I assumed my post at Otsuma Women's University. In the first semester of 2007, the Otsuma Women's University Faculty Development Committee conducted course evaluations by students. In order to verify our improvement, part of these evaluation results will be unveiled in this paper. The computer-assisted language learning (CALL) course materials based on a Three Step System theory, Listen to Me!, have been introduced to the Faculty of Comparative Culture's English education for the sake of our reform. We have found that students think highly of these course materials. As part of our ongoing efforts to improve and enhance the content of our English education, I present various analyses of the course evaluation with a focus on three highly-evaluated classes.


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