家族への殺意における青年期の心理的特徴 : 姉に殺意を抱く男子青年Aの場合


  • Psychological Characteristics in Adolescence and Murderous Intent against the Family : A Young Man Harbors Murderous Intent against His Elder Sister
  • カゾク エノ サツイ ニ オケル セイネンキ ノ シンリテキ トクチョウ アネ ニ サツイ オ イダク ダンシ セイネン A ノ バアイ



(1)殺意発生の機序 母親によせる本青年の思慮と,姉の学歴についての嫉妬,自己中心的,陰険で本青年を格下に置きたがるなどの本青年に対する姉の態度や言動,本青年の精神的自立性や個人的価値体系の発達における過渡期の心理的特徴が複雑に絡んで,本青年に対する前述した姉の態度や言動に本青年はとらわれ,姉への怒りや憎しみ,敵意を募らせていった。そして,募った怒りや憎しみ,敵意が殺意へと繋がった。 (2)殺意消失化の機序 本青年による《ステップ1》の「殺意の記述」が行なわれた。その後,《ステップ2》の「筆者への相談の意志の表明」,「ステップ3」の「殺意の具体的内容の記述」,《ステップ4》の「"問題"を解決していこうとする主体性の表れ」,《ステップ5》の「"問題"をひとに頼らず乗り越えようと決意する」,《ステップ6》の「姉との別居の時期の見通しが成立」,《ステップ7》の「見通しが現実化し,何とか耐えようとする」,《ステップ8》の「教師になることを目指し,"監獄行き"を回避しようとする」,《ステップ9》の「殺意の波動があまり起きなくなった」,と進んでいった。そして,《ステップ10》の「姉に対して殺意を抱く状態から姉に同乗を寄せる状態への変化を自覚する」に到った。 Based on Spranger's "Verstehende Psychologie," I explored the following characteristics in adolescence concerning murderous intent against their family. The participant of this study was a young man who attended my lecture and harbored murderous feelings towards his elder sister. I found from his descriptions obtained by my own guidance of him that his young man harbored hostile feelings and hatred including murderous intent against his elder sister. She bossed him around, resulting in the above behavior. I infer that his murderous intent was caused by the transitional period in the development of his own personal values and psychological independence, his adoring mother, his deep attachment to his mother, and the jealousy of his elder sister. I told him that I would lend him money to move away from her. This event may be what prompted him to control his impulses against his elder sister. He became aware that she had received an informal promise of employment, and she would live apart from him in the near future. His elder sister, tired from work, came home and cried in her room because her boyfriend had given her the cold shoulder. He sympathized with her situation and was conscious that he was changing from harboring murderous intent against her to feelings of care and empathy. These are the findings I obtained from his situation and descriptions while cooperating with this study.


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