

  • ランソウ ノ シンケイ シハイ
  • Innervation of the ovary
  • 原著




イヌ卵巣の外来神経についてのオスュミウム酸染色と各種動物卵巣の鍍銀染色を行ない,神経組織学的にそれらを比較検討し,つぎの結果を得た。1.イヌ卵巣支配の外来神経には卵巣動脈神経叢から来るものと骨盤神経叢に由来するものとがある。神経線維の平均総数は前者で120本,後者で84本であった。また有髄線維の含まれる割合は前者では神経線維総数の29.2%であるのに対し後者ではわずかに3.6%過ぎ|なかった。一方無髄神経線維(交感神経性)は両方の神経系においてほぼ等量に含まれていた。2.血管をとりまきながら卵巣門から卵巣内に進入した神経線維束は次第に血管から離れ互いに分岐,交錯して髄質から皮質にかけて一次神経叢を形成する,この神経叢からさらに数本の自律神経線維と知覚神経線維が分かれ皮質stromaで細かい二次神経叢(autonomic aroundplexus)を作る。後者は髄質より皮質に豊富である。3.知覚性の神経線維がヒト(成人),ネコ,マウスに多く認められ,特に成人の皮質stromaではところどころ神経密度の高い部分があった。ヒト(胎児)の神経線維は成人と比べて走向は直線的であり,形態は単純で,知覚神経線維の形態形成が未完成の状態にあった。4.皮質stromaには拡散型分岐性終末,単純型分岐性終末,および小体様終末などの知覚終末が認められた。5.Autonomic groundplexusはヒト(胎児,成人),ネコの皮質stromaなどに認められたが,そのなかには自律神経線維ばかりでなく知覚神経線維も混じていた。またイヌ,ネコの皮質stromaにおけるautomic groudplexusのまわりにはinterstitial cellsの存在が顕著であった。


The extrinsic nerve fibers of the dog ovary stainned with osmic acid and of the adult human, dog, cat and mouse and the ovaries of 5th and 6th fetuses of human impregnated with silver were neurohistologically examined. 1) The extrinsic nerves innervated the dog ovary were originated from the both ovarian and pelvic plexuses. The mean number of the former extrinsic nerve fibers was 120, and the ratio of myelinated-fibers to all fibers was 29.2%. The same of the latter was 84, and the ratio was 3.6%. On the other hand, the ratio of nonmyelinated fibers to all fibers was almost similiar in both plexuses. 2) The nerve fibers bundle surrounding blood vessel entered the ovaries via ovarian hilus, went away from the vascular tissue in the ovaries, and then these fibers ramifying and crossing over with one another formed the primary plexus in the medulla and cortex. Furthermore, several autonomic and sensory nerve fibers were branched out from this plexus and formed the fine secondary plexus (autonomic groundplexus) in the cortical stroma. 3) Many sensory nerve fibers were found in adult human, cat and mouse. There were the high nerve density in the cortical stroma of adult human. The nerve fibers of human fetus ran straightly, these form was shown simple, and then these development was not advanced. 4) There were observed the sensory diffuse ramified, simple ramified and corpuscle like terminals in the cortical stroma. 5) The autonomic groundplexus was found in the cortical stroma of human (adult and fetus), and cat, and the autonomous and the sensory nerve fibers mixed in those cortex. The interstitial cells were remakably appeared around the autonomic groundplexus of the cortical stroma in the cat and dog ovaries. 6) Few nerve fibers were found in the follicular theca of the primary follicles in the human fetus, in the external tunica of secondary follicles and corpus luteum in the cat and the mouse. But the relationships between these nerve fibers and the follicles and corpus luteum were not cleared.

7) No nerve cell was found in the ovary.


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