A monoclonal antibody, mNI-58A, against CD11a induces homotypic cell aggregation and promotes interferon-γ production by the human NK-like cell line, KHYG-1


  • A monoclonal antibody mNI 58A against CD11a induces homotypic cell aggregation and promotes interferon g production by the human NK like cell line KHYG 1




我々が開発したCD11a(LFA-1α)モノクローナル抗体(mNI-58A)のヒトNK様細胞株(KHYG-1)に与える影響を検討したところ、mNI-58A抗体はKHYG-1細胞に対して細胞間凝集を特異的に誘導した。この細胞間凝集反応は、conventional protein kinase C (cPKC)抑制剤であるGo6976とnovel protein kinase C (nPKC)抑制剤であるRottlerinでブロックされ、その効果はRottlerinの方がGo6976より強かった。また、mNI-58A抗体はKHYG-1細胞にインターフェロンγの産生能も増強させた。以上の結果は、mNI-58A抗体がヒト免疫応答におけるNK細胞の機能を解析する上で非常に有益な抗体であることを示唆している。

A monoclonal antibody (mAb), designated as mNI-58A, against CD11a (leukocyte function-associated antigen-1 α; LFA-1α) was established in our laboratories by immunizing mice with the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated human monocyte-like cell line, U937. This mAb specifically induced homotypic cell aggregation of the human NH-like cell line, KHYG-1.This mNI58A-induced homotypic cell aggregation was markedly blocked by the addition of an optional concentration of a conventional protein kinase C (cPKC) inhibitor, Go6976, and was completely blocked by the addition of an optimal concentration of a novel protein kinase C (nPKC); a PKC delta isoenzyme) inhibitor, Rottlerin. Interestingly, KHYG-1 cells effectively promoted interferon-γ (IFN-γ) production in the culture supernatants of the homotypic cell aggregations of KHYG-1 cells induced by mNI-58A. These findings strongly indicate that CD11a mAb (mNI-58A) has some unique properties and many be useful for analyzing the cell-to-cell interactions of NK cells in several human immune responses.


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