222 豊島廃棄物等処理事業での情報共創システムの開発 : GISを活用した事業の進捗業況の3Dモデル化とその活用(環境マネジメント・手法(1),資源循環・廃棄物処理技術)


  • 222 Development of co-creation system in Teshima waste treatment project : 3D modeling of Teshima Project by GIS and Proposal of application


Teshima waste treatment project is going forward under the idea called the KYOSO. From this idea, it is important that information sharing of progress of the project among an enterprise, inhabitants, citizens. Therefore we deliberated visualization the disposal place by 3D modeling that created periodical GPS surveying. By results data that surveyed by GPS of three years, we were able to confirm visually progress of the digging. In addition, we could compare actual condition of disposal place to future plans. Furthermore, we calculated a digging volume from a 3D modeling to assure strictness of the information and compared it with quantity of export. As a result, we were able to get fixed consistency.


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