B13 歩行環境シミュレータを用いた高齢者の車両知覚能力に関する研究(下肢と福祉機器)


  • B13 A study of the ability to perceive the vehicle of the elderly people by the Pedestrian Simulator
  • 歩行環境シミュレータを用いた高齢者の車両知覚能力に関する研究
  • ホコウ カンキョウ シミュレータ オ モチイタ コウレイシャ ノ シャリョウ チカク ノウリョク ニ カンスル ケンキュウ



With the aging of the society, the percentage of elderly traffic accident fatalities in Akita Prefecture is much higher than the national average, therefore it is necessary to take steps in order to prevent traffic accidents of elderly population. The aim of this study is to demonstrate risk factors of a traffic accident that would occur in real traffic environment from "the peculiar risk factor of elderly population" and "traffic environment risk factor". We have developed a laboratory method to test the ability to perceive the vehicle for elderly and young people. Virtual traffic environment which was made by the Pedestrian Simulator was used for this experiment. The results indicate that the elderly people may overlook a battery vehicle with less engine sound approaching from right in the twilight easily.


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