Changing Patterns of Transition to Adulthood of the Poor and Lower-class Youth (<Special Issue>Poverty, Crime, and Delinquency)

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  • 貧困・生活不安定層における子どもから大人への移行過程とその変容 (課題研究 貧困と犯罪・非行)
  • 貧困・生活不安定層における子どもから大人への移行過程とその変容
  • ヒンコン セイカツ フアンテイソウ ニ オケル コドモ カラ オトナ エ ノ イコウ カテイ ト ソノ ヘンヨウ

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Recently, there has been a great deal of talk and evidence about widening social disparities and increase in poverty in Japan. Accordingly concern about an increasing number of young offenders has been expressed. There has been a 'natural transition' pattern of young boys and girls who truant from an early age, focusing on having fun but creating problems as they move toward life beyond school. However, this "natural transition" pattern has been undermined in recent years due to the contraction of the secondary labor market for unskilled youth. It is a commonly held view that decreasing employment opportunities for young people results in "the loss of hope" and criminal offending. This view is problematic in its characterization of youth as uniform group and in its apparent lack of understanding of the lives of poor, lower-class young people. While the decline in "natural transition" partly explains a rise in youth offending, such measures must be made on the basis of an accurate perception of that group. This paper aims to outline and explain the nature of the transition process to adulthood of the poor and lower-class youth through considering two qualitative research studies.


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