Moodle上での英語テスト開発を支援するツール : Multiple Choice Maker, TDAPブロック, CATモジュール


  • Reinforcing Development of a Moodle-based English Test with Multiple Choice Maker, TDAP block, and CAT module
  • Moodle ジョウ デ ノ エイゴ テスト カイハツ オ シエン スル ツール : Multiple Choice Maker,TDAP ブロック,CAT モジュール



An increasing number of language teachers has started to use moodle as their LMS because of its wide range of functions, profound and friendly user community, and its low initial costs. However, it is not so easy to make full use of its functions as it is supposed to for most of ordinary teachers. Even though you may be able to understand the functions when you consult with a book such as Rice (2007), which is one of the few practical guides for teachers, it is a completely different thing to make full use of moodle for your daily teaching. In this study, we will introduce the following three helpful tools to develop a moodle-based English test and show some examples how they can be used in an actual teaching environment. The tools are 1) Multiple Choice Maker to convert hundreds of multiple questions on an Excel spreadsheet to GIFT files at a once; 2) TDAP block to analyze the test result with Rasch model and construct an item bank, and 3) CAT module to conduct a test adaptively choosing appropriate items from the item bank.


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