

  • セイジョウアツ スイトウショウ ニ トモナイ マヒガワ ニ オス ゲンショウ オ テイシタ 1レイ
  • A case of ipsilateral pushing with normal pressure hydrocephalus
  • Katsuhiko, EGUCHI




This clinical report described a 50-year-old male case of ipsilateral pushing toward the involved side. Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), left hemiparesis, and ipsilateral pushing were appearded following the severe subarachnoid hemorrhage. Left hemiplegia was improved through physical therapy berore the operation of the unruptured aneurysm which caused the cerebral ventricle expansion, gait disturbance, a mental deterioration, urinary incontinence. The gait disturbance was very specific type of disability and he could not even stand due to the ipsilateral pushing toward the affected side. This pushing phenomenon was not changed by physical therapy, although this phenomenon was dramatically recoverd by the ventriculoperitoneal shunt operation. The couse of the pushing phenomenon was considered as the dysfunction of the whole brain due to the pressure to the CNS by the cerebral ventricle expansion. Especially, bilateral frontal lobe appeared to be the main area of the damage, because the state of the intelligence, not the unilateral spatial neglect or hemiparalysis, was closely related to the pushing phenomenon through the clinical course. This description was the first report that described the specific type of gait disturbance due to the phenomenon pushing toward the involved side in patient with NPH.


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