S1502-1-2 シンプルな非線形最適制御を利用して二足歩行から始める実践ロボット教育カリキュラム(工学基礎としてのメカトロ導入教育,社会変革を技術で廻す機械工学)


  • S1502-1-2 Practical Education Curriculum Starting from Humanoid Biped Robot Using Simple Nonlinear Optimal Control


There is no robot around us in our society at the current stage if we define a robot as an autonomous machine working in the arena of offices, homes, and disaster sites, etc. outside the factories. Mechatronics, dynamics and robotics involving humans are the world of strong nonlinearity. The realized movements of humanoid biped robot using simple nonlinear optimal control use only small active power with simple chaotic limit cycles and showed robustness during walking, running everywhere even on the ice and snow. This paper showed the application of the simple nonlinear optimal control to various movements making full use of instability as a source of driving force and developed into practical education curriculum as an introduction with humanoid biped robot to Robotics having an intellectual and emotional appeal.


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