404 飲料用自販機の運用高度化システムの構築に関する検討 : 大学構内における最適配置運用評価の実証(省エネルギー(1))


  • 404 Research on Upgrade of Operation in Vending Machine for Beverage


Recent years, global environmental problems have become aggravated, and various energy-saving functions and methods been introduced in vending machines. However, it is reported that useless energy is consumed because the amount of power consumption changes greatly by the installation environment in actual operation. We aim to improve over concentration of vending machines by considering demands, conveniences, and environmental impact of vending machines. In this study, our team cooperates with Waseda University and vending machine companies. We tried to make reduction of power consumption in Waseda University by using our system of Conservation of energy setting at vending machine.


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