1101 生体応用可能なPEG化ポリアミンナノゲルの設計(OS13-(5)オーガナイズドセッション《生体医工学及びバイオマテリアル》)


  • 1101 Design of biocompatible PEGlated polymine nanogel for using in vivo.


pH-responsive PEGylated nanogels was evaluated the toxicity assay and the disposition. We evaluated 50% of inhibitory concentration (IC_<50>), 10% of hemolytic concentration (HC_<10>) and 50% of lethal dose (LD_<50>) of the pH-responsive PEGylated nanogels for cytotoxicity assay, hemolysis test and acute toxicity test in vivo, respectively. The pH-responsive PEGylated nanogel with the highest (5 mol%) cross-linking density showed significant high IC_<50> value (> 1000 μg/mL) as well as HC_<10> value( 700 μg/mL), and LD_<50> value (> 200 mg/kg), viz., the biocompatibility of the nanogel was significantly improved by increasing with the cross-linking density. From these results, the pH-responsive PEGylated nanogels with high cross-linking density thus described here would be a promising biocompatible carrier for DDS. When PEG density of the nanogels was increased by the Menschutkin reaction using PEG-benzyl bromide, the blood circulation increased significantly.


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