

  • Considerations on the Associations of Pleasure in Physical Education Classes with Mental-psychological Health among a Small Sample of Junior High School Students in Miyazaki
  • ミヤザキ ケンナイ ボウ コウリツ チュウガッコウ セイト ニ オケル 「 タイイク ジュギョウ オ オモシロク カンジル キョクメン 」 ノ コウゾウ ト ケントウ



We conducted questionnaire survey among 100 first grade students of a public junior high school, to consider the relationships between mental-psychological health and pleasures in physical education classes (PPEC), grounded on principles of health promoting school consist of health initiative 8 areas. The score for the Center for Epidemiologic Study Depression Scale (CES-D) in the present sample was 14.30 (SD=7.995), which was lower than results obtained in previous studies. Data for PPEC were subjected to factor analysis, followed by varimax rotation. The factor analysis yielded five factors ; 'a sense of accomplishment or conquer', 'interpersonal relationships with friends'. 'understand and participation', 'directive influences by teacher', and 'progress and development'. The rate of contribution and Cronbach reliability coefficients indicated that our original PPEC scale had high internal consistency and rate of variance explanation. All factors extracted were significant inverse correlated to CES-D. We speculate that these associations among them could be changed, according to a teaching method or human interpersonal relationships among relevant students. In addition to, we considered that standpoint of health education, such as mental health, was required to physical education classes with a pleasures and products. Therefore, to coordinate health education and physical education suggested to be useful for accelerate health promoting school.


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